Key Reasons Women Make Great Leaders

What makes a woman a great leader?
Why aren’t women taking up this space in our society at the moment?
These questions have been asked time and time again so lets take a look at this.

Should we consider a person’s gender when talking about leadership, or should we look simply at their skills, qualities and attributes. We know the shocking figures in relation to female leadership within Europe, leadership positions are generally taken up by their male counterparts, even in instances where women are more qualified.

We want to shift this balance and create an equilibrium, giving women the same opportunities as men and utilising their strongest qualities and characteristics to get  the most out of their staff.

Read below a few of the key reasons why women make great leaders:

They value work-life balance.

“Women are great leaders because we are able to balance professional and personal leadership skills. It’s easier to approach a women leader with a personal request, or a sensitive question. I care about my team and their well-being, which includes their performance at work and their work-life balance. I also find women more proactive in becoming mentors, and sometimes it’s already such an open and communicative relationship that the transition to mentor is easy.” – Amy Killoran, creative manager, I Love Travel

They are empathetic.

“Most women are naturally empathetic and value relationships. This enables them to have a strong understanding of what drives and motivates people, and how to acknowledge different people for their performance.” – Anna Crowe, CEO and founder, Crowe PR

They make great listeners.

“Women make great leaders because we take the time to listen instead of reacting right away. We appreciate people and their viewpoints. Whether they are right or wrong, we hear them out and then make our decision. We tend to give people chances that no others do.” – Jo Hausman, career and leadership coach and author, “Go For It! A Woman’s Guide to Perserverance” (Best Seller Publishing, 2016)

They are nurturing.

“One of the key aspects of leadership is the ability to help your team members develop their own skills and strengths. Women are naturally nurturing, which in the best scenarios can translate to helping those around you succeed.” – Marilyn Heywood Paige, vice president of marketing, FiG Advertising

They focus on teamwork.

“The women [I’ve worked with] consistently demonstrate passion, enthusiasm and an immense capacity to serve and be served by others. I’ve observed women make bold and wise decisions as leaders while relying on others to be part of their team. The environment is less authoritarian and more cooperative and family-like, but with solid leadership.” – Katharine M. Nohr, principal, Nohr Sports Risk Management

To read more reasons why women make great leaders click the link below: